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the big lie "the media is liberal"
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 1:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lou Dobbs is gone!

Who cares what the reason was?

He spewed lie after lie after lie, just like Agent Orange.

Good riddance!

Oh, and I always thought his head was so unusually large that I was tempted to adjust the TV aspect ratio to fit the screen!
I guess it was because he was a fathead who was full of shit!
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 9:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cancel culture hits Fox.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 8:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rush dies...

The grand poo bar of the KKK hate has died.

His accomplishment, we can see are the grand dragoon of the hate and discourse of the nation. He is the founder of the hate media....

again 30 years of hate....

he was the first mass media to attack presidents children for money.

he got there because ronnald reaGUN another american hater eliminated the fairness doctrine that had given the other political party equal airtime to respond to the hate.

Again if the media was unfair to the right why would they eliminate the fairness doctrine... right wingers are just so unethical and liars that they claim they are the media victims... this logic I stated can not be disputed. If you are the real victim of unfair media you do not elimiate the fairness clause do ya.

Hense the talk radio media has been right wing hate for 30 years where there is no liberal on air nationally for more than about 1 year ever that I am aware of.

right wing hate is loved by right wing corporations who advertise and sponsor it...

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 5:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

here is another right wing wacko.. claiming he is the victim. I am aware of this guy because of a book that was written by a former right wing media writer. This judge was a friend of his and went to this Judges private hate dinners and disclosed what a right wing hater this judge is. Read the book written by this former right wing writer. Worked for Mooney at the washington times, the right wing hate media that never made money. Mooney had his cult members pan handling at airports in the 50s or 60s. that is where rev Sun young Moon got his start/money.

Read "Blinded by the Right" by david brock. He was also funded in university by the Olin corporation foundation that paid for right wing writers to get journalism and similar degrees.

Federal judge pens dissent slamming decades-old press protections

A federal appeals court judge issued an extraordinary opinion Friday attacking partisan bias in the news media, lamenting the treatment of conservatives in American society and calling for the Supreme Court to overturn a landmark legal precedent that protects news outlets from lawsuits over reports about public figures.

D.C. Circuit Senior Judge Laurence Silberman’s diatribe, contained in his dissent in a libel case, amounted to a withering, frontal assault on the 1964 Supreme Court decision that set the framework for modern defamation law — New York Times v. Sullivan.

Silberman said the decision, requiring public figures to show “actual malice” to recover against a news organization for libel, was a “policy-driven” result that the justices simply invented out of whole cloth.

“The holding has no relation to the text, history, or structure of the Constitution, and it baldly constitutionalized an area of law refined over centuries of common law adjudication,” the Ronald Reagan appointee wrote.

Silberman echoed and approvingly cited an opinion Justice Clarence Thomas issued two years ago, questioning the rationale of New York Times v. Sullivan and calling for the high court to revisit the decision. “Justice Thomas has already persuasively demonstrated that New York Times was a policy-driven decision masquerading as constitutional law,” the judge wrote.

But the exceptional aspect of Silberman’s opinion was not its legal arguments, but the protracted airing of the judge’s evidently deep-seated, pent-up grievances that conservatives are being oppressed by overwhelmingly liberal news media, academia and technology companies. That has created “a frighteningly orthodox media culture,” he wrote.

“The increased power of the press is so dangerous today because we are very close to one-party control of these institutions,” the judge declared. “Although the bias against the Republican Party—not just controversial individuals—is rather shocking today, this is not new; it is a long-term, secular trend going back at least to the ’70s….One-party control of the press and media is a threat to a viable democracy.”

Silberman slammed the New York Times and the Washington Post as “virtually Democratic Party broadsheets.” He added: “Nearly all television — network and cable — is a Democratic Party trumpet. Even the government-supported National Public Radio follows along.”

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 5:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

here is David Brock per wiki

former hero of the right wing getting paid about 1 million dollars per book to attack what the right considered threats to right wingers. He was in the circles as I mentioned with Judge Silberman in previous post as well as Supreme court idiot Clarance Thomas the liar. Brock even notes in his book that Thamas was a good friend but he believed Thomas was lying. and we know another former girlfriend of Thomas recently came out after Thomas's wife went after Anita Hill publicly demanding an apology. Well this disgusted former Thomas girlfriend would not protect Thomas anymore and confirmed that what Hill described was typical talk by Thomas when she was dating him. Very disgusting. Brock had tried to defend Thomas with being paid a million to attack Anita Hill is why Brock knew Thomas was a liar to the senate. Rock in his investigation to attack hill had interviewed the local porn shots to try to prove Thomas was not as Hill claimed telling her about porno scenes at work which she found reprehensible and threatening. Well Brock in blinded by the right did find a porno store that Thomas frequented. But he kept it silent and hid it to protect Thomas. again clarence Thomas should be impeached with the new witness testimony and Brocks findings.

Once Brock had a concience he wrote this book. And he started Media Matters. Media matters that the right wing hate because as he said he will not lie but uses many of the tactics the right wing use.

In 2004, he founded Media Matters for America, a non-profit organization which describes itself as a "progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media".[

Blinded by the Right

Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative is a 2002 book written by former conservative journalist David Brock detailing his departure from the conservative movement. It is also the story of his coming out as a gay man.

In the book, he states that he visited gay bars with Matt Drudge and other conservatives. The title alludes to the Bruce Springsteen song "Blinded by the Light", while the subtitle alludes to Barry Goldwater's The Conscience of a Conservative, which helped define the modern conservative movement in the United States.

Brock recalls his days at the University of California, Berkeley, and how he was turned off by hecklers at a speech by then United States ambassador to the United Nations, Jeane Kirkpatrick. Brock's main attraction to conservatism was his disdain for communism.

After college, Brock moved with his then-partner (called "Andrew" to conceal his identity) to Washington, D.C. In D.C., Brock worked for The Washington Times and The American Spectator. Brock claims while he was working for those publications he thought he was doing honest journalism, but later stated that he had never corroborated his facts.

While working for The American Spectator, he wrote an article on Anita Hill, which he later expanded into The Real Anita Hill, a book that made him popular in the conservative movement. Brock would later say that many of the details he used were false.

After Bill Clinton was elected, Brock was assigned to write a story, later dubbed Troopergate, about four Arkansas state troopers who held a grudge against Bill Clinton. He claims that the troopers made up stories about affairs that could never be corroborated. Brock was given assurances that the troopers would not get paid for telling their stories. He later discovered he was deceived, and that the troopers had been paid by Richard Mellon Scaife, who bankrolled The American Spectator and the Arkansas Project, a secret project to discredit Clinton.

Brock made sure to conceal the identities of the women identified by the troopers, with the exception of one woman named "Paula". Brock thought that by not revealing her last name, it would be enough to conceal her identity. Brock did not take into account that Little Rock is a small city. Eventually her identity would be revealed as Paula Jones, which led to her civil lawsuit against Bill Clinton.

Following the Troopergate story, Brock wrote a book about Hillary Clinton, The Seduction of Hillary Rodham. Unlike the Anita Hill book, Brock decided not to put anything in the book that he could not corroborate. The book was not as critical of Hillary Clinton as it was promised to be. Brock claims that conservatives planned on the book being so damning as to influence the outcome of the 1996 presidential election.

The Seduction of Hillary Rodham was the beginning of Brock's falling out with the conservative movement. The issue that forced him to leave the conservative movement was the movement's intolerance towards homosexuality. Brock had reluctantly come out of the closet, prior to writing the Hillary Clinton book, and believes this contributed to his being shunned by many in the movement.

Brock voted for Al Gore in 2000, the first time he voted since he voted for Ronald Reagan in 1984. During the period in which he did not vote, he had two rationalizations for his non-voting:

He believed that his vote didn't count in liberal Washington D.C.
He believed that not voting allowed him to stay neutral
Brock proclaimed that the latter rationalization was bogus, as he was not neutral during that time period.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 9:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

the largestc able network of fake news is a sham. Protect trump at all costs. again right wingers are such victims when they have the largest watched liars in the world. Cropping this to protect trump is akin to fake photo a lie.

they cropped out trump in a photo with Epstein when announcing his partner in raping children was arrested. See the attached photo.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 10:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

why isn't this front page as he is not denying it....

child rape that is a right wing value....

Rep. Ted Lieu: Matt Gaetz should ‘leave voluntarily or be removed’ from Judiciary Cmte.

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss why Rep. Matt Gaetz should be stripped of his seat on the Judiciary Committee while the DOJ investigates allegations of a sexual relationship between Rep. Gaetz and a 17-year-old girl.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 11:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

why isn't the media blasting this front pages, what corruption to the trump friends 100 million dollar contracts to his friends in no bid deals. companies set up a week before getting contracts for millions and delivering products that were not usable.

What dio right wingers say, oh stop focusing on the past, how about biden. Gee were they not involved in what they claimed was Bidens son in the past. Lets see any media point out that. Oh they will not they will be investigating Hillarys past.

House panel releases new details of Trump administration Covid contracts

A House panel investigating the coronavirus crisis released documents Tuesday detailing how senior White House officials tried to warn then-President Donald Trump of the danger of Covid-19 last March and leaned on federal agencies to offer non-competitive contracts for protective equipment to favored companies.

a man wearing a suit and tie: A memo the committee obtained that was sent by White House trade adviser Peter Navarro in March 2020 warned that the then-isolated cases of Covid-19 would balloon into “a very serious public health emergency.”© Alex Brandon/AP Photo A memo the committee obtained that was sent by White House trade adviser Peter Navarro in March 2020 warned that the then-isolated cases of Covid-19 would balloon into “a very serious public health emergency.”
The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis asked HHS, the Department of Homeland Security and the National Archives to turn over more records on the prior administration’s procurement of protective gear as part of an ongoing investigation.

“We are concerned that the previous administration may not have conducted sufficient diligence prior to awarding multi-million-dollar contracts, and that White House officials may have placed inappropriate pressure on federal agencies to award contracts to particular companies,” Subcommittee chair Jim Clyburn and other panel Democrats wrote in letters obtained by POLITICO.

What the documents say: A memo the committee obtained that was sent by White House trade adviser Peter Navarro in March 2020 warned that the then-isolated cases of Covid-19 would balloon into “a very serious public health emergency” and lamented that “movement has been slow” to prepare. The memo advised the president to shore up domestic supply chains for PPE and accelerate development of diagnostics and therapeutics.

In the months that followed, according to other documents the committee released Wednesday, Navarro and other senior officials and outside advisers pushed federal agencies to give no-bid contracts for pharmaceutical ingredients and other supplies to companies that were recently formed and had political ties with the Trump administration.

One deal under investigation is a $354 million contract awarded to the Phlow Corporation — a first-time government contractor that had incorporated just a few months before receiving the funds. It was the largest contract ever awarded by BARDA, and it followed a series of emails from Navarro to agency leaders in March of 2020.

“Phlow needs to get greenlit as soon as humanly possible...Please move this puppy in Trump time,” he wrote. In a subsequent message he said: “My head is going to explode if this contract does not get immediately approved.”

Steven Hatfill, an adjunct assistant professor at George Washington University with ties to White House political advisor Stephen Bannon, was also involved in brokering the contract, the committee said.

The panel is also investigating a $3 million federal contract given to a company formed by former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Zachary Fuentes to provide respirator masks to the Navajo Nation through the Indian Health Services. Fuentes’ company received the contract just 11 days after its creation.

“When the respirator masks were delivered, IHS determined that they were unsuitable for use in a medical or surgical environment,” the committee wrote, asking for further records detailing how the contract was negotiated.

Why it matters: The Trump administration’s Covid contracting received some scrutiny last year. A plan to loan Eastman Kodak $765 million to shift to producing drug ingredients was scuttled after suspicious stock trades on the eve of the loan’s announcement prompted the U.S. International Development Finance Corp to cite "recent allegations of wrongdoing."

But Democrats in charge of oversight panels on Capitol Hill say there is still more to uncover, in part because the Trump administration did not respond to requests for documents. Republicans on the committees are complaining that the panels are focusing too much on the past and failing to hold the Biden administration accountable.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 11:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Baja--although I consider the Trump administration astonishingly corrupt, these don't bother me much. One of the great failures of the Trumpies was not using the purchasing and emergency power they had to quickly obtain protective equipment. Federal procurement procedures are cumbersome, and are intended to allow transparency and fair bidding. But they are too slow in an emergency. The problem with what the Trumpies did was not that they went to cronies, but they went to firms that weren't capable.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 11:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

mac wrote:
Baja--although I consider the Trump administration astonishingly corrupt, these don't bother me much. One of the great failures of the Trumpies was not using the purchasing and emergency power they had to quickly obtain protective equipment. Federal procurement procedures are cumbersome, and are intended to allow transparency and fair bidding. But they are too slow in an emergency. The problem with what the Trumpies did was not that they went to cronies, but they went to firms that weren't capable.

no doubt that is true, but there does need to be some sort of protection from trump handing out to people that start companies the week before of giving the contacts to his kids, or companies that have never been involved in the products requested.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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